Miss M’s Edmonton Boudoir Experience
buckle up
because this is a good one! Today we’re taking a deep dive into what this babe had to say after her second boudoir photography session with me at my Edmonton boudoir studio! Nothing lights my heart on fire more than when someone gives such an amazing, detailed review of their boudoir experience with me because it shows me that they not only enjoyed their boudoir session but they truly valued me, my time and my art and I’ll be forever grateful for that. Miss M is always such a joy to have in the studio and you better grab your tissues because this one brought tears to my eyes!
How did you hear about Tay's Photo's and Beauty?
Why do you love boudoir?
Boudoir photography to me is powerful. As women we often see images in magazines/media/advertisements that are either hyper-sexualizing us at a young age OR telling us that we need to disappear. One day we are told to wear high heels, push-up bras, and red lipstick in order to be attractive & seen. The next day we are reminded to use a million different products to 'erase fine lines' or 'remove blemishes', and don't forget the constant 'reduce our waist size'. So where are women supposed to fit in between those two extremes? It’s a daily battle for so many of us and I believe that boudoir photography gives us back some power to fight that battle. We get to show real women that are not airbrushed to perfection or trying to sell something. We are just claiming our own sexuality and existing exactly as we wish. That's important to continue to grow your own self image, and inspire others to take some power back as well.
How did you feel leading up to the session?
I felt excited and nervous. I think nerves are natural, especially if you've never worked with the boudoir photographer before or if this is a totally out-of-the-box experience for you. I was nervous because I hadn't done a session since before I had my daughter. I knew that my body had changed and I also wasn't 100% feeling like my normal 'sexy' self because I was mostly running around after a toddler everyday for 3 years! But I chose to focus on the excitement ... acknowledge the nerves and move forward!
How did you feel during your session?
Amazing! Taylor made me immediately comfortable and her personality fills the studio with a great vibe. I love that she directs you into positions and hypes you up to just let loose and have fun! If something looks stunning and she gets excited, she will give you a little preview on her camera - its really cool to be able to share in that moment.
What were some feelings you had when viewing your final images or products?
I felt a range of things for sure. I was surprised to see how playful and sexy I looked in some of the photos. I was excited about how beautiful my hair and makeup looked. And I was very eager to show them off! HAHA.
If you could pick one word to describe your entire boudoir experience, what would it be?
What would you say to friends or family that have thought about doing a boudoir session?
When I was a little girl I used to have the best time at my Grandmother's house looking through old photographs of her life. Everywhere I went, I would ask people to show me their photo albums! So as I grew up I started taking as many photos as I could so that one day I would have albums full for little ones to look at. And somewhere along the way, I noticed that my Grandmother and Mother were hardly in the photos. They were often the ones taking or staging the photo. I started to ask them to be in front of the camera ... and sadly, they rarely wanted to. They hated seeing themselves in photos. They would point out all of their 'problem areas' and didn't want those to exist in a photo forever. This made me sad then, and it makes me sad now! We all deserve to be in photos and our loved ones deserve to see us in photos. One day those images will be some of the only things we leave behind for them to keep. Memories can fade, and a photograph can keep a moment in time forever. SO DO IT! Take the photo. Be IN the photo and if you feel like you have 'problem areas' then boudoir is a wonderful way to get comfortable with those. They are a part of you, and I promise that they are not something that needs to be 'fixed'. Getting glammed up, and then hyped up by Taylor, and feeling sexy/sassy/powerful/fabulous can allow you to give yourself grace and say hello to your beautiful body in a way that you haven't before.
Would you do another boudoir session in the future? And for what milestone / event or just because?
Absolutely! I love having my photo taken, so I am basically down for it whenever. But I do really love the idea of doing it for a milestone birthday or big wedding anniversary. I gave an album to my husband last year for Valentine's Day and he LOVED it.
and the gallery
Thank you so much
for taking the time to flip through this Edmonton boudoir photography review blog, I appreciate everyone who checks these out every week so much! Bringing you real womens thoughts and feelings about their experience in my Edmonton boudoir studio will always be SO important to me. If you want to read more reviews about my Edmonton boudoir photography sessions or to get to know me a little bit more as an Edmonton boudoir photographer before diving into your own boudoir experience, click through the buttons below!