Creative Add Ons | Edmonton Boudoir Photography

drum roll please…

We officially have two new add ons now available for all of my luxury boudoir photography sessions here in Edmonton, Alberta and I’m so freaking excited! Ever since I started my boudoir photography career almost 5 years ago now, I’ve always been drawn to the more creative and funky pieces of artwork. When I was in school in Edmonton at NAIT for photography, I really let the creativity blossom but then the reality of being a full time photographer kicked in and my creative energy these last few years hasn’t been put to use as much as i’d like it to. So I started thinking of ways I can bring that creativity back into the boudoir experience I already offer, and these creative add ons were born! These new creative sets truly make me so happy to create and I just hope they resonate with you as much as they do me.

These boudoir add ons are perfect for those who just want to spice up their boudoir session a little bit and want to throw a little edge and creativity into their final boudoir gallery. Click below to inquire more about my boudoir photography sessions here in Edmonton Alberta or keep scrolling to check out the new boudoir add ons!

The Neon Set | $250

  • Available to add onto any in studio boudoir session

  • Additional shooting time

  • One additional outfit

The Projector Set | $250

  • Available to add onto any in studio boudoir session

  • Additional shooting time

  • One additional outfit

If you want to get to know me even more as an Edmonton boudoir photographer, come hangout on instagram and stay tuned for my daily coffee chats!

xoxo - Tay


Miss L’s Boudoir Experience | Edmonton Boudoir Photography


The #1 Reason To Book The Boudoir Shoot | Edmonton Boudoir Photography