Lauren’s Boudoir

It’s one of my favourite days of the week, Friday JR. Do you like Thursdays? Do you hate them? Maybe you’re more of a weekend warrior? With this type of work weekends almost don’t exist me, but i do have this one off! I’m excited to catch up on some school work and on Sunday I will attending the virtual Conference and Chill boudoir edition where i get to listen to some of my all time favourite boudoir photographers educate the shit outta us. Learning is cool ya’ll, never stop evolving your talent or making new ones!

Today’s blog post is dedicated to all the new momma’s out there that are doing their best, I see you. Your body created life, it deserve to be documented!

How did you hear about Tay's Photo's and Beauty?

Through Instagram !

Why did you book a boudoir session?

Because I have lost quite a bit of weight and I feel confident again ! & also for my other half’s birthday that is coming up !

How did you feel leading up to the session?

I was super nervous , I am not a very confident person and I’m not too confident on my body so I was also kind of scared

How did you feel during your session?

I felt so confident and I felt like I looked amazing !

What were some feelings you had when viewing your final images or products?

I was blown away by the pictures and the way that I looked

If you could pick one word to describe your entire boudoir experience, what would it be?

Eye opening

What would you say to friends or family that have thought about doing a boudoir session?

Do it ! It will boost your confidence level amazingly

Would you do another boudoir session in the future? And for what milestone / event or just because?

Yes ! Just because probably


Fawna Boudoir


Alissa’s Boudoir